Daily Loop

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It’s very rare nowadays for people to read newsletters they are signed up to, they would rather read a Tweet thread, Reddit post or articles from MSM!

This newsletter focuses on information that can be consumed in 2 minutes every day by linking to posts across the internet, formatted in a way that is easy for anyone to navigate. Call it the 3-3-1-1 design.

3 long-form reads

Will link to long-form reads on any platform, with a TL;DR in the article explaining what it’s about

3 short-form tweets

Tweets that are interesting, helpful, inspiring, etc, will include a bulletpoint with additional thoughts on it

1 good quote

General quotes about life, to motivate and inspire

1 piece of advice from me

A random piece of advice from me on things I am thinking about on the day

The goal is for as many people to read this daily and inspire them to think differently about certain things. It will primarily be around topics and industries I am interested in such as: startups, ai, success, innovation, change, crypto, nfts, etc.

You can unsubscribe at any point if it’s not for you!

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I build projects, write articles & try to do cool stuff.